
Showing posts from 2023

Tips for Success as a Field Inspector

  Tips for survival in the inspection business Get Educated You may have noticed that I haven’t mentioned anything about having any certifications or special education. That’s because I didn’t need any. However, it would’ve been helpful to me to have had some more structured training than the random videos and pdfs that some companies offered. Now there is a free course offered by that runs through all of the basics of how to complete a field inspection. I would recommend checking that out before going out on your first inspection. Have the right tools A good clipboard, pens, camera or smartphone, laptop or desktop computer, measuring wheel, disposable shoe covers, and reliable transportation are all musts to be successful in this field. Wear decent, but not your best clothes You always want to look presentable when you go to inspect a property. In my experience, however, I quickly learned not to wear my Sunday’s best even when I am doing High-Value inspec...

How to Become a Field Inspector

When I am in the field, I often get asked how I got into this business and some people even ask if it’s possible for them to get into it, too. This isn’t meant to be a definitive guide on how to succeed in the world of field inspections (and there are many different types of inspections to choose from). I have been an inspector since 2012. It hasn’t made me a millionaire, but in some of my better months working less than full-time I am able to pay my rent, car note, and groceries. I am able to set my own schedule and I don’t have to request days off when my child is sick or if I want a vacation. I figured that now would be a good time to share my own experience and possibly help someone else looking for this information. I won’t say that there’s a wealth of info out there now, but there is more than what I had when I first got started more than a decade ago. If you don’t want to read my entire spiel, then scroll to the bottom of the page for a few helpful links to help you get started....