
Showing posts from 2018

Sudden Credit Score Drop: Reality Check

You’ve worked hard. It took you roughly a year and a half to raise your credit score by 180 points. You only have two negative items left on your credit report, but the rest of your accounts are positive. You make sure to pay your bills on time every month, even if it is the minimum payment amount. Then, your heart skips a beat, your stomach turns, and you become nauseous. You receive a notice from your credit monitoring service alerting you to the fact that your new credit card has been posted to your credit report and your score has decreased by 160 points. Unfortunately, that’s a true story. It is my true story. None of my credit cards were maxed out. All my payments have been made on time. So, what happened? Well, to make note of the good news first, my score should go back up quickly. However, having one credit card that is still in collections hurts me because, although all my open credit is in good standing, I don’t have very much available credit since my limits are lo...